Book Expo - Picture - 060218 - CroppedWaking pre-dawn to log the long drive each morning, and then returning late night exhausted, but oddly exhilarated, it was an honor to be an Exhibitor at this year’s Book Expo / Book Con! If you are launching a new book, you can’t miss this Show of Shows. Thus, the next installment of my fantasy and sci-fi series, The Soulstealer War: The Splintering Realm, carried me to New York City this past week. The Javits Center spectacle can be daunting, and it didn’t help that I was exercising rusty “Show” muscles. But what the heck, I always prefer the deep end of the pool!

I love writing about the Realm of Weir – the characters, the creatures, the cultures, the folklore, the languages, the songs – but as an author, I also love meeting the readers. Give me a conversation, and I’m hooked. I come to the Booth with an open mind. This means I don’t care who you are (and usually I can’t tell until 10 minutes into a conversation anyway). Sure, I’m there as the point man for the Realms (Weir and my daughter’s Pyranis), but I also want to hear your story, your business, and your interests. Just as I sometimes delve into the nature of true magic (see my website), the only way a nexus will manifest is by letting the flow occur. I look for awareness in the folks who cross my path, and brief eye contact sends me into a flurry of possibilities. This flight of fancy then lands on firmer ground once the conversation begins.

Book Expo was heavy on people seeking swag, signings, and freebies, and there is a balance to be struck. The Show doesn’t really want you to be selling, but you can take orders and fulfill them amazingly fast! And there is always karma; I give away a fair share of books for goodwill and to see what the Universe will manifest. My Booth was by chance a stone’s throw from the big players – Simon & Shuster, Baker & Taylor, Ingram, IPG, etc. – and I was a wee minnow in that sea, but there was an abundance of synergy. I met foreign licensing contacts, reviewers, librarians, printers, buyers, publishers, literary agents, marketers, translators, artists, designers, social media experts, radio folks, podcasters, authors (aspiring and established) and a few other wild cards. All good. This is a marathon, and not a sprint. I will abide; everything unfolds in due time.

Book Con was the exact opposite of the industry insiders – finally, the public! Here be readers of the genres that are my passion, and possibly dragons too! Teenage girls and women dominated the crowd. I’m talking 80% as a rough guess. That was a surprise, but live and learn. There are too many wonderful encounters to detail, but here’s a few favorites:

To the young women who live near the Appalachian Trail with the software coder who will find my website’s hidden access portals (without hacking it to shreds as promised) … your group rocks!

To the pregnant mom who is an aspiring author – my hopes that you put one foot in front of the other and take the road less traveled – get your writing out there! This advice was a common theme as I met many unpublished authors, and I was happy to impart what wisdom (and foolishness) I could. I’ve been there. I get it.

To Meg-a-Watt – thank you for a great conversation on fantasy, sci-fi and life. At first, I thought you said you were Megatron … then you added the “Queen Bee” to clarify, and I still apologized because that didn’t mean anything to me. Finally, you said you were LitBuzz, and helped further my information gap with discussion on how you began and grew that endeavor.

To purple-haired Kristin and her dad – your spark is bright enough to set the world on fire – and that you read my book (and Hannah’s) that night after buying them, and loved them, and came back to tell me the next day at the Booth … there is no more amazing way to start a day as an author!

To the man who was pushing his niece in a stroller, who was dragged to Book Con with his girlfriend and who never picks up books, let alone reads them … it was my privilege to hand you Book One and Two. The real reward was your girlfriend’s joy watching your willingness to venture into her world, and the long embrace you two shared a booth away.

To Tim, the bow-tied literary guy, who now knows that my alter-ego wears a vest with a pocket watch, often topped in a worn Stetson hat, thank you for the chat and your advice on my Boris Vallejo/Julie Bell front cover banner.

To Janine, author of The Puzzle Quests: Shimmer’s Eggs (and other books), whose son succumbed to cancer – your story is inspirational and our conversation will stay with me.

To the librarians and teachers – there were so many – I wish I could have given you more free copies of Hannah’s middle school chapter book The Pathway to Dragons: The Portal to Pyranis – you have one of the hardest, thankless and yet, most important careers on the planet! That cannot be said enough.

To the group of three teen girls who had their Mikey (a classic commercial, where one brother serves as the guinea pig for tasting a new cereal – and the girls had no clue on this dated reference) be the designated reader for any new book series – that you returned a short while after buying Book One to tell me that during the Show you read the first 50 pages and loved it, that the writing was awesome – thank you for that thoughtful gift.

To my immediate Booth neighbors on either side of the Show floor – Cameron and Rebecca the jewelry gurus of Stern Design Works, and to Anne Wheaton (Piggy and Pug children’s book author) with her outgoing publicist Susan Peters – your cheerful company was an unexpected pleasure!

Though not a meeting, I need to give a shout-out to Dog Ear Publishing and founder Ray Robinson – your support during the Show was invaluable. And indeed, another Dog Ear author stopped by my Booth for conversation.

Also, to Amy and Julie from Reed Exhibition, and Scott from Freeman – your assistance helped make my Show experience a success, and the Booth “check-ins” were greatly appreciated.

Finally, as a reminder, a portion of our book proceeds are donated to The NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome, Special Strides, and The Bridge of Books Foundation. Any additional support you can provide to these worthwhile charities will make a difference!

With utmost gratitude to all of you,

W.L. Hoffman – breathe slowly, observe humbly, dream deeply and evolve!

Author of The Soulstealer War (and other tales) –
Proud Father of the Author of The Pathway to Dragons –

Have no doubt, my friends, these are serious times. And for this reason, I have never been more appreciative of the revelry that converges at the NJ Renaissance Faire at Liberty Lake.

This weekend my family strolled in costume among the RenFaire community, savoring the spontaneous interaction with the inhabitants of Crossford. The village welcomed me with a hearty “M’Lord,” and my daughters each garnered a gentle “M’Lady.” Indeed, Hallie and Hannah giggled uncontrollably upon discovering that the players bowed in their presence until released. “Rise, good sir,” had a pleasant lilt from the lips of my pre-teen princesses.

Hannah roamed the merchant stands with discerning and fickle taste, while her older sister marked treasures with practiced confidence. My girls opened their hearts and imaginations, and prepared for barter and baubles, as the townsfolk were ever-so-gracious in their dealings. To mention only some, is a disservice to the rest – we cherished them all.

Similarly, there are not enough words to adequately describe the amazing performers! Impromptu stage and troubadour skits, music and jest, song and rhyme, flames and daring acrobatics, archery and swordplay, a living chess match and fine spirits to imbibe… it was too much to absorb in a single outing.

My compliments to Phil Leipf as the villainous Comte de Rochefort, to Melissa L.E. Baker as his temptress co-conspirator Milady de Winter, and to Katie Horahan as the charming Duchess of Northumberland, and still, there are more notes of special attention…

 At mid-afternoon, we sheltered from a passing thunderstorm within the Willows Stage structure. Therein, my little girls were drafted by the Bard of Avon – William Shakespeare – as he organized an abbreviated and raucous audience participation version of “Twelfth Night and The Three Little Bears.” The good natured folks in the crowd were hilarious in their guided acting, and Will’s wit was sharper than all the nearby swords.

Thereafter, and harkening to the days of old, we experienced true artisanship. We stood spellbound at the forge of “Historical Glassworks,” as master glass blower Jason Klein crafted a Renaissance-style fluted wine decanter before our eyes. With absolutely no pressure from the onlookers, and between ample puffing breaths of creation, Jason explained his techniques, issued commands to apprentices, and orchestrated a delicate dance of molten glass.

Meandering away from that skillful glass menagerie, we happened upon a fearsome couple arrayed for the Zombie Apocalypse! They offered my daughters a copy of the Adventurer’s Handbook – a publication by TJ Miller and John A. Williams a/k/a The Lords of Adventure: Roger Awesome and Jack Bold. My girls boldly whispered to these armor-bound warriors that we owned two copies already, and then demurely asked if they would consent to pose for a picture.

After snapping the above cameo, we thought it wise to retreat to the jousting arena for our fill of knights, horses and chivalry. But along the way, we spied the Royal Falconer and his avian charges. Perched at rest, the birds were beautiful and majestic. During the falconry demonstration it was simply nature’s magic, as they soared aloft the entire encampment, banked a few feet over our heads, and launched talons-a-ready upon the Falconer’s twirling lure.

On our way back to the main amphitheatre, I was waylaid at “LaForge Weapons.” Sparks flew both in the blazing furnace and on the sturdy anvil. There were regal decorative weapons a’plenty, but I required a combat blade capable

of enduring full throttle impact – steel on steel. I selected a likely candidate off the rack and then asked the master smith if its edge would stay keen in hard battle. No words echoed in reply, though I think a slight growl ensued… he then gripped the sword from my hand, moved his anvil into position, bade me step back, and firmly struck the blade’s edge upon the anvil with not one, but three ringing blows. With a satisfed grin on his face, the weapon was returned for my inspection. I anticipated a chip given the enthusiasm of his test… I found not even the hint of a scratch.

At day’s end, the girls and I lounged at the Lakeside Amphitheatre enjoying a cornucopia of musicians and performers. I sipped a glass of cabernet-merlot courtesy of the Valenzano Winery. Within the hour, the primary acting Troupe escorted a horde of Faire-goers to our venue for the final reconciliation between D’Artagnon and Constance, and the Comte de Rochefort and Countess de Winter. Yes, as you may have guessed, regards to Alexandre Dumas, for this year’s RenFaire theme is the Three Musketeers. After due ceremonies, the players serenaded the crowd with a last ballad and a simple wish – that we may all be present to do this again. Amen. As I listened with Hallie and Hannah, I thought of my wife: she was absent from our festivities in order to comfort a dying friend of the family. My eyes blurred, and I thanked the powers-that-be for my blessings and the opportunity to share our day among such joyful and talented folk.

You can yet partake, for I’m told that the 2012 NJ Renaissance Faire will continue for at least one more weekend – June 9th and 10th. Failing that, perhaps it will be another worthy RenFaire in your home state. For let it be written and let it be said: we can all do with more laughter and love!

As I spend my days writing Book II of my fantasy and sci-fi novel series – The Soulstealer War – it’s pleasant to consider a tangent every now and again. So it is that RedRoom’s “your favorite poem” caught my eye today. Redroom is a blossoming community of writers for all genres and a good spot to find your favorite author –

Let me confess… poetry is not my forte. In fact, there was a time in high school when it was my pain. Putting aside those early nightmares of iambic pentameter, I recall my grasp of poetry undergoing rapid evolution. Back then, I thought poetry was something love-struck girls penned in homage to their latest crush or because well-meaning teachers would accept it in lieu of a five-hundred word essay that might never appear.

Well, we all mature eventually. For me that occurred with my introduction to the English Romantic Period. The poets of this era changed my perception of the art forever. I may never be a poet, but the likes of Byron, Shelley, and Keats convinced me that every great writer needs a fundamental grounding in poetry. For what is the word, if not the ability to express concepts, emotions and images with a beauty and grace that can inspire even the dullest of humanity to lofty heights… or to terrible depths. Poetry transcends the written word to resonate within our very soul.

So, whether its “roses are red and violets are blue,” an Anglo-Saxon epic, the Eddic poems, a Shakespearean sonnet, or your choice of modern free verse, I say to my fellow novelists, give poetry its due.

As for my favorites, I expect you to know the first two, but encourage you to sample the last. I find that it sets a mood for contemplating the universe.

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

The One Ring Poem – from The Lord of Rings – JRR Tolkien

Darkness – Lord Byron


W.L. Hoffman – author of The Soulstealer War: The First Mother’s Fire

The Soulstealer War - Copyright.jpg

Let your dreams carry you into strange lands, for one never knows what treasures await.

It seems my “to do” list grows evermore, but this is the stuff of life, and I accept the good, the bad and the ugly – though forgive me for hoping to find more of the former. I say “find” because our perception often dictates the results.

My personal side has been challenging the last few months. Time has weighed heavily upon my parents, and I have been occupied with their needs. This has left me in catch-up mode on everything else.

So, here’s the latest. I am working on Book II of The Soulstealer War, engaging contacts from BookExpo America, and nearing the threshold of having Book I of The Soulstealer War available on Amazon Kindle. The digital expanse is a huge step for me… paper and parchment are my dear friends. My wife complains about the aroma of old books in our basement library, but she does so with a teasing smirk as she knows I would be lost without them. Of course, I can imagine the wondrous future of floating data streams beckoning to our children, yet a voice in my head cannot help but ask – are these the Sirens of tomorrow?

Beyond the above, and my quest for a mainstream publisher, I have dedicated the past two weeks to sending Book I of The Soulstealer War to the 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair in Frankfurt, Germany – possibly the largest book event in the world. See the full text and files of the Press Release covering this milestone at or read the main content below.

Be a Light in the Darkness.

W.L. Hoffman

Princeton, New Jersey (PRWEB) October 13, 2009 — Released in January 2008, The Soulstealer War: The First Mother’s Fire, is the first book in an epic fantasy series of magic and mysticism by debut author W.L. Hoffman. The novel’s critically acclaimed content has found traction among a grass roots core of fantasy and science fiction enthusiasts. Its juxtaposition of scientific theory and spirituality within a richly textured fantasy adventure is a welcome exploration to readers tired of the standard sword and sorcery treatment. Although hard to find on the shelves due to limited availability, in August 2008 a second printing was completed with Ingram Publisher Services serving as the distributor. The 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair held in Frankfurt, Germany is the next career step for Hoffman who knows that beyond talent, it takes perseverance and luck to succeed as a writer. The Frankfurt Book Fair purports to be the largest book event in the world with almost 8,000 companies representing book industry leaders from more than 140 countries.

“This is one of the best fantasy books… within the past couple of years.” Roundtable Reviews

“Indeed, it is the mark of good genre fiction that it is able to transcend its foundations and shake the very rafters of existence. Douglas Adams did it with his Hitchhiker’s Guide series, Tolkien did it with his Middle Earth, and now W. L. Hoffman has done it with the beginning of The Soulstealer War series.” Front Street Reviews

“Highly recommended for community library fantasy collections and for fantasy lovers in general…” Midwest Book Review, Small Press Bookwatch Vol. 7, No. 5

The Soulstealer War - Cover Image Hi Res - 021408 - Copyright.jpg - 102208

In these uncertain times, when digesting the daily serving of discouraging news, remember that there is no greater fountain of hope than that which lies in the deep waters of the human soul.  

Since my prior Blog entry, my author labors have consisted of marketing Book I, working on Book II, and preparing for BookExpo America 2009 (BEA). Trust me… that triumvirate speaks volumes. There are not enough hours in the day. BEA, held in New York City this week, is touted as the largest North American publishing industry event. I have an exhibit booth and will be autographing The Soulstealer War during the Sci-Fi Salute on Saturday.

While my next entry will recap tales of BEA, here’s a recent Press Release for those who aren’t familiar with either my background or the Realm of Weir.

PRINCETON, New Jersey – March 2009 – Released in January 2008, The Soulstealer War: The First Mother’s Fire, is the first book in an epic fantasy series of magic and mysticism by debut author W.L. Hoffman. Despite the risks and challenges inherent with small press/self-publishing, the novel’s critically acclaimed content has propelled Hoffman from relative obscurity to placement on Barnes & Noble’s shelves. In August 2008, due to demand, a second printing of the novel was completed in traditional offset lithography format. Ingram is the distributor. For a new author, the learning curve has been steep – and a dream come true – but one replete with trials and tribulations. There’s a story in that journey in addition to the novel’s unique fantasy vision that touches upon philosophy, the universe and true magic. The novel also features dazzling original cover art by the esteemed Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell. BookExpo America 2009 held in New York City is the next career step for Hoffman who knows that beyond talent, it takes perseverance and luck to succeed as a writer. While he hopes this opportunity will bring heightened access to readers and mainstream publishers, Hoffman is thrilled to participate in this milestone. 

This is one of the best fantasy books… within the past couple of years.”  Roundtable Reviews

Indeed, it is the mark of good genre fiction that it is able to transcend its foundations and shake the very rafters of existence.  Douglas Adams did it with his Hitchhiker’s Guide series, Tolkien did it with his Middle Earth, and now W. L. Hoffman has done it with the beginning of The Soulstealer War series.” Front Street Reviews

“Highly recommended for community library fantasy collections and for fantasy lovers in general…” Midwest Book Review, Small Press Bookwatch Vol. 7, No. 5

About the Book: Unemployed after graduation, Kenneth McNary seeks inspiration on the Appalachian Trail. He never suspected that it would find him first. Ken is transported to a fairytale world by a god-like sentience and is tasked with uniting its denizens for a coming war—a war with eternal consequences for every soul consumed by the Enemy. While grappling with his strange surroundings, Ken learns that humans are slaves to near-immortal beings who have lost their magic. Complicating this situation is a mysterious new race of magic wielders and the reappearance of subterranean, flesh-eating creatures long thought extinct. To survive and embrace his destiny in a land hostile to humanity, Ken must discover the Fire within. But he faces two problems: he is a novice pitted against masters, and the magic may kill him before the masters do!

About the Author: W.L. Hoffman was born in the 1960’s in Atlantic City. Hoffman’s interest in reading fantasy and science fiction was voracious from an early age. He took advanced English curricula through high school, received his BA in English from Duke University and attended English literature classes at New College at Oxford University in England. Following his introduction to legislative drafting while serving in the Duke University student government, Hoffman obtained his JD from Cornell Law School. While there, his dreams wandered into strange realms as he quested for life’s higher meaning. Thus was born the foundation for The Soulstealer War. Ultimately, Hoffman left his law practice to pursue his writing career and currently resides in central NJ with his wife and daughters. He enjoys spending time with his family in their organic vegetable garden, exploring the Sourland Mountains, and telling tales on the front porch to the next generation of dreamers and writers.

The Soulstealer War: The First Mother’s Fire

By W.L. Hoffman,

ISBN-13 (Paperback): 978-1598-585-391    

Price: $14.95 – 284 Pages      

BookExpo America 2009, Booth 5049, May 29-June 1, Javits Center, NY

For more information:

Until January 2008, William L. Hoffman had a secret. By day the in-house counsel of CityScape Capital Group, an investment banking firm he co-founded, Bill Hoffman spent his nights traveling through a realm of metaphysics and magic. There, he discovered a young law school graduate translated into an alternate dimension, a godlike race that had lost its power, an enslaved human remnant, and a new race of magical beings. Further exploration uncovered a species of subterranean creatures subsisting on human flesh and an impending war that promised to annihilate body and soul.

This vision cost Bill Hoffman four years of moonlit labor. He wrote from ten o’clock at night until three in the morning, caught up lost sleep as he could and, through the willpower characteristic of most attorneys, managed to excel at his day job, too. When he had completed the first book of his projected trilogy, The Soulstealer War, Bill Hoffman knew he was involved in something special-and committed to a journey that had just begun.

For two more years his secret remained intact. He found and jettisoned an agent, engaged the talents of legendary fantasy artists Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell, and eventually found a publisher willing to introduce a first-time novelist to a keenly competitive market. It helped that Vallejo and Bell were on board for the cover art and the typescript itself needed only routine copy-editing. The characters were fully-realized, the narrative arc complete. Publication date came; The Soulstealer War, Book One: The First Mother’s Fire, appeared; Mr. Hoffman’s secret was out; soon thereafter, the reviews came in.

Writing for Front Street Reviews, Aramintha Matthews likened Mr. Hoffman’s accomplishment in The Soulstealer War to that of J. R. R. Tolkien’s in The Lord of the Rings ( More than one reviewer, including Jerry Unangst writing for Roundtable Reviews, noted, “What really sets off The Soulstealer War from other fantasy books is that it … has ideas.”

Even more persuasively, genre aficionados reviewing for major online booksellers have received The Soulstealer War with generosity and enthusiasm-and have been unanimous in awarding it five stars:
… a stellar example of sci-fi/fantasy writing. The writing is clear with great imagery and natural flow. The setting & its characters are extremely well developed, the action is fast paced and engaging, and the plot is truly compelling.

The novel is essentially a philosophy book that uses the genre of fantasy/sci-fi to present its queries, questions, thoughts and ideas.

… What is truly amazing about “The First Mother’s Fire” is that Hoffman is able to present such weighty subject matter via an epic fantasy storyline with plenty of action and pacing.

I have been reading fantasy avidly for over 30 years and this book ranks among the best for its creativity and vivid imagery.

To impress savvy readers, Bill Hoffman had to know his material and his métier. He succeeded because he is a fan and student of the genre, having read fantasy/sci-fi during law school for stress-release and enjoyment. Of his writer’s discipline, he says, “Will three or four hours’ sleep on most nights for four years catch up with me when I’m older? Yes. Is it a fair trade-off for something I wanted to do? Yes. Think of it this way: lawyers working in big corporate firms commonly log 100 hours a week. It isn’t considered a big deal. Writing The First Mother’s Fire was like that, only it was more fun and, to me, much more important.”

Not surprisingly, Bill Hoffman is still writing at night. The project now is Book Two, provisionally titled, The Splintering Realm. Planned to be completed next year, Book Two should be published in early 2010. And Book Three? “I expect it to appear in December 2012.” How can he anticipate the process years in advance? “Lawyers are trained to meet deadlines,” he says. “A court date is a fixed obligation. A brief is due when it’s due.”

Although he spends much less time in court now than formerly, Mr. Hoffman is still a working attorney engaged in the critical thinking required by legal practice. “Being a lawyer has never stopped,” he says. “It was a great advantage to me in bringing The Soulstealer War to this point.” Besides enabling him to negotiate his contracts with the publisher and illustrators, Mr. Hoffman’s legal training nurtured certain habits of mind well-adapted to constructing alternate worlds. “I learned a fantastic skill-set in law school,” he says. “As lawyers, we’re trained to look at a situation from all angles, to put ourselves on the other side of an issue. A law school education trains your mind to be open to other possibilities. It is a gateway to all opportunities, not just a law firm. It teaches a person how to look outside the box for new pathways.”

Bill Hoffman’s biggest opportunity as a fantasy/sci-fi author will come next spring at BookExpo America 2009. The event will take place at the Javits Center in New York and will feature book signings, author interviews, and discussions. “It will be the first time I really put myself in front of the whole industry,” he says. “My hope is that one of the big fantasy publishers will pick up the series.” Whether or not that happens, he is confident in his work and its story. “In The Soulstealer War, the magic is based on science,” he notes. “There is no devil, no witchcraft, no explosions on every page. The story is about the capacity of human beings to evolve mentally and spiritually to transcend the mode we’re in, of thinking our mundane reality is all there is. I believe there is much more to the universe than what we can perceive with our senses. That belief drives my writing, and The Soulstealer War explores its implications.”

Of the steady effort that has delivered great reviews and a place for his novel on the Barnes & Noble shelves, Bill Hoffman says, “I’ve learned that writing is an exercise of persistence and a personal belief in yourself. You can’t measure yourself against others.” Readers interested in more of the book’s backstory and ongoing success should visit

~contributed by John A. Lauricella Special to Cornell Law School

The Soulstealer War has been available since January at,, and through stores affiliated with As a first time author supported by a “small press,” I have experienced both the trials and joys of introducing the novel. I would like to announce that…


Barnes & Noble is now stocking The Soulstealer War on their shelves!


Very few folks in my position get to this threshold even with a novel that has garnered praise from the professional critics. So whether it’s to seek a relaxing diversion from the current headlines or to brighten a friend’s day with a thoughtful gift, I encourage you to visit your local Barnes & Noble for The Soulstealer War (they can order it if sold out).


With much gratitude,



W.L. Hoffman – breathe slowly, observe humbly, dream deeply and evolve. 

When it comes to writing and blogging, I recognize that my audience varies. Based upon prior communications, it’s fair to identify two dominant groups from the crowd – those who want insight on the business of writing and those who embrace the fantasy & sci-fi discussions. In the last month, my blog entries have been in stasis while I focused upon the business side of the equation, i.e., completing the traditional print run of the novel and revising the distribution arrangement with Ingram Book Co. to facilitate the novel’s appearance on the shelves. Through perseverance and a bit of luck, this milestone is within sight. But I still need your help spreading the word to family, friends, book clubs, etc.


At the same time, in mid-July I gave a presentation on “Magic & Metaphysics” in Margate City, NJ. The lecture was designed to introduce folks to the metaphysics (meaning of life and the universe) and magic system within the novel that I believe have application within real life… a blending of the mystical and of cosmology, where science and religion meet. Germinating from that gathering was a great article in today’s issue of The Breeze of Atlantic County (a very local newspaper) on the novel and the juxtaposition between my observations of true magic on Earth and fantasy magic in the Realm of Weir. Newspaper copies can be found throughout Atlantic County, but otherwise see page 19 at It should be accessible there until next Friday… and thereafter available at


This article also marks a transition to my next few posts which will cater to the folks who want more fantasy & sci-fi, and as good a starting place as any is the subject of MAGIC – not pulling a rabbit from a hat, but potentially dark and deadly power.


Please accept my continuing gratitude for your ongoing support.




W.L. Hoffman


There are those folks who suggested that I should have attended the BookExpo America (BEA) convention in Los Angeles rather than spending three days at Wizard World Philly. I’m sure they meant well. From my perspective, however, it was too early to take the initial novel in my series – The Soulstealer War – to BEA, especially considering the travel hurdle and that I would have embarked upon such a journey without a single sample of the novel’s pending traditional print run (5,000 copies). As I write this entry, final printing is anticipated next week. Rest easy, there are no substantive changes… instead, a few typos have been erased from existence and there are featured book review quotes.


Yet, casting aside the practical mantle, Wizard World Philly was a blast! Even in this dismal economy, the fans arrived in throngs (many in full regalia with fan favorites Star Wars, Iron Man and assorted Cyberpunk meets Doom combos) toting funds no doubt stashed in some secret account awaiting this opportunity to be traded for a comic of rare antiquity, a prized rendering from an industry legend or other treasured collectible.


Sure, I did have my doubts when I learned that the Guitar Hero III stage was twenty-five feet from my booth and that my neighbors were a line-up of autograph wielding professional wrestlers – classic and current superstars. As it turns out, while making conversation tough for a few hours, Guitar Hero III was truly a crowd pleaser. The wrestlers included the likes of The Iron Sheik, Eugene, Virgil, Nikolai Volkoff and the big gun – Lou Ferrigno a/k/a The Incredible Hulk. Although the wrestlers stayed to themselves, and their fan base had less interest in my creation, it made for entertaining if not chaotic spectacle over the three-day extravaganza. I also commend Nikolai Volkoff, who epitomizes the stereotypical Russian bear, for his philosophical debate on Nietzsche, intriguing discussion on “governments gone bad,” and dedicated observations on the miracles of Ayurvedic Medicine. I am honored to have met him.


In fact, I am proud and grateful to have met with each and every one of you good people who lingered by my display to peruse the novel’s back cover synopsis, ogle the five-foot map of The Eastern Rim of Weir and take a chance on this relatively unknown but aspiring fantasy/sci-fi author. These conventions are a ton of work for me, but remain one of the best ways to dynamically interact with my audience, meet other people who dream of worlds beyond our shores and share my vision of a more evolved human condition.


Until next time…


W.L. Hoffman – breathe slowly, observe humbly, dream deeply and evolve.


P.S.  The randomly drawn winner of the crystal globe giveaway is Karen Graham (please send me your mailing address). Congratulations!

Coming from a small publisher (effectively self-published), I am constantly battling and occasionally appeasing the gods of “Bookdom” in order to spread the word to mainstream media and to encourage readers to delve into my newly released fantasy/sci-fi novel – The First Mother’s Fire, Book One of The Soulstealer War series.

Today’s Blog entry is my twenty minute interview with Dr. Joseph Riggio host of the Intentional Performance show on The Link below will take you to my interview, and on my computer, I had to click “yes” to enable an active X control to run so that the interview could play. I recommend the discussion for anyone who wants insight on how to achieve your dreams and on what trials and tribulations we authors endure… albeit willingly.

Enjoy with my blessing.

W.L. Hoffman